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Draft.js – Rich text editor framework from Facebook

Facebook’s development team has decided to open-source another great tool. They’ve released a smaller project called Draft.js, which is a React.js component that lets developers build rich text editors (RTEs, also known as WYSIWYG editors).

As they explained: “Draft.js makes it easy to build any type of rich text input, whether you’re just looking to support a few inline text styles or building a complex text editor for composing long-form articles”

Rich Text Editor

Draft.js from Facebook

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Want to make your site faster, especially on mobile?

Google today announced that its latest PageSpeed modules help render pages up to 2x faster, particularly on mobile devices

mod_pagespeed ngx+page_speed

As a major aspect of its mission to accelerate the Web, Google today announced the latest version of its mod_pagespeed (Apache) and ngx_pagespeed (NGINX) modules include new enhancements that improve performance. Google says it is seeing pages rendering up to 2x faster, especially on mobile devices.

This speedup comes thanks to two new PageSpeed optimizations (the first two) and existing PageSpeed optimizations (the last two:

  • prioritize_critical_css finds the CSS rules that are used to initially render your page.
  • The critical image beacon identifies the images that appear on screen when your page is first rendered and uses this to guide lazyload_images and inline_preview_images.
  • defer_javascript prevents scripts from running until the page has loaded.
  • convert_jpeg_to_webp reduces the size of images that are downloaded by webp-capable browsers.

This webpagetest video shows the results:


more informations you can find here »

How does PageSpeed speed up web-sites?

PageSpeed improves web page latency and bandwidth usage by changing the resources on that web page to implement web performance best practices. Each optimization is implemented as a custom filter in PageSpeed, which are executed when the HTTP server serves the website assets. Some filters simply alter the HTML content, and other filters change references to CSS, JavaScript, or images to point to more optimized versions.

PageSpeed implements custom optimization strategies for each type of asset referenced by the website, to make them smaller, reduce the loading time, and extend the cache lifetime of each asset. These optimizations include combining and minifying JavaScript and CSS files, inlining small resources, and others. PageSpeed also dynamically optimizes images by removing unused meta-data from each file, resizing the images to specified dimensions, and re-encoding images to be served in the most efficient format available to the user.

PageSpeed ships with a set of core filters designed to safely optimize the content of your site without affecting the look or behavior of your site. In addition, it provides a number of more advanced filters which can be turned on by the site owner to gain higher performance improvements.

PageSpeed can be deployed and customized for individual web sites, as well as being used by large hosting providers and CDNs to help their users improve performance of their sites, lower the latency of their pages, and decrease bandwidth usage.


Did Google Hummingbird Drop Your Search Traffic?

So at this point, you’ve probably heard all about Google’s new algorithm, named Hummingbird. This was an giant change for Google, and if  you’ve seen a drop in your site activity, this could be the reason!


So what is Hummingbird? Here are the some key facts you need to know:

  1. Hummingbird is an update that understands and delivers upon ‘user intent’
  2. It additional develops the idea of conversational-based search
  3. Google is trying to copy the way we think and predict the solution it believes  we are looking for
  4. Hummingbird seem to be more targeted on an improvement to Knowledge Graph
  5. Google is currently looking to retain individuals on its SERPs for longer by gathering additional information; it is not necessarily trying to pass traffic back to websites
  6. Pages that match the meaning of a user’s search can perform more effectively than pages that just match a few words. When creating pages, a webmaster needs to ask his or herself “What is it the user needs when entering their query? Can my page match their intent?”
  7. Google has said that every word in a query is being taken into account, i.e. the whole conversation or meaning, instead of many key words.


Need SEO help and SEOtips?

As usual, excellent full analysis about Google’s Hummingbird you can find here 

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