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PHP 7 – turbocharging the WEB

The most easily recognizable advantage of the new PHP 7 engine is the significant performance improvement.
Performance is undoubtedly the biggest reason why you should upgrade your servers as soon as a stable version is released. The core refactoring introduced by the phpng RFC makes PHP 7 as fast as HHVM.

See the results below, they are pretty self-explanatory – PHP 7 Twice The Speed.


why use php 7

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React Native allows you to build mobile native apps with Javascript

Fcebook announced that its React Native library is now available on Github. The library allows you to build native iOS and Android applications with JavaScript and Facebook’s React library.

A framework for building native apps with React.

React Native runs JavaScript engine in a separate background thread, which communicates with the native main thread using a batched async messaging protocol. There’s a plugin for React that uses this protocol for communication.

  • With React Native your application logic is written and runs in JavaScript, whereas your application UI is fully native; therefore you have none of the compromises typically associated with HTML5 UI.
  • React introduces a novel, radical and highly functional approach to constructing user interfaces. In brief, the application UI is simply expressed as a function of the current application state.

Tom Occhino’s introducing React Native and discussing why developers at Facebook decided to create it:

The tutorial you can find here

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11 must-have jQuery plugins


1. Nprogress

Nprogress is a nanoscopic progress bar. Featuring realistic trickle animations to convince your users that something is happening!

2. FancyInput

FancyInput is a jQuery plugin which basically makes it fun to type text. It works with input fields wrapped with a div, in a way that hides the actual input field (but still “communicates” with it), and put a span element containing the character pressed (in a normal use case), and every span element is being transitioned in a nice CSS3 way. The end result is a mimicked text input field which tries to simulate a real input field as much as possible, including copy, paste, undo and text selection changes.
Fancy Input

3. SuperScrolloRama

SuperScrolloRama is a jQuery plugin for supercool scroll animation
Super Scrollorama

4. Signature Pad

Signature Pad is a jQuery plugin that takes advantage of HTML5 canvas element and javascript to create a flexible and smooth Signature Pad on your web page & app. The plugin also has the ability to record the drawn signature in JSON for later regeneration. Be aware that the jquery plugin also requires Numeric Javascript library and bezier curve helper included.
Signature pad

5. Toolbar

Toolbar allows you to quickly create tooltip style toolbars for use in web applications and websites. The toolbar is easily customisable using the twitter bootstrap icons and provides flexability around the toolbars display and number of icons.

6. jQuery Pin

jQuery Pin will “pin” any element to the top of a container as you scroll down the page. It can be easily disabled for smaller screen-sizes.
jQurey Pin

7. Chardin JS

Chardin JS is a jQuery plugin to simple overlay instructions for your apps.

8. Mapael

Mapael is a jQuery plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps.

9. jQuery Collage Plus

jQuery Collage Plus will arrange your images to fit exactly within a container. You can define the padding between images, give the images css borders and define a target row height.
jQuery Collage Plus

10. SnapSVG

SnapSVG is a brand new JavaScript library for working with SVG. Snap provides web developers with a clean, streamlined, intuitive, and powerful API for animating and manipulating both existing SVG content, and SVG content generated with Snap.
Snap SVG

11. Typehead.js

Typehead.js is a fast and fully-featured autocomplete library

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11 must-have plugins for extending Twitter Bootstrap

Twitter Bootstrap is one of our favourite framework for quick website prototyping. If you don’t know about Twitter Bootstrap, it’s simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions. Originally created by a designer and a developer at Twitter, Bootstrap has become one of the most popular front-end frameworks and open source projects in the world. This great tool contains base CSS, grid, responsive, general styling, UI components and javascript plugins that can speed up your development process.

Twitter Bootstrap comes with many javascript plugins too but some common javascript plugins are missing.

1. Jasny Bootstrap

Jasny Bootstrap is a direct fork of Twitter Bootstrap with a number of additional components. It features controls like input masks, file upload buttons, icons, additional form styles and more.

jasny bootstrap

2. Bootstrap Select

Bootstrap favors native browser controls, which is the reason it doesn’t expose any customization options for them. However, in some projects it is useful to have customizable controls like select boxes, which is exactly what Bootstrap Select does. This plugin gives you a pretty and customizable select box which looks great in your page.


3. Bootstrap Image Gallery

Bootstrap Image Gallery is an extension to blueimp Gallery, a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image & video gallery.
It displays images and videos in the modal dialog of the Bootstrap framework, features swipe, mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects, fullscreen support and on-demand content loading and can be extended to display additional content types.

Bootstrap Image Gallery

4. Bootstrap Application Wizard

It is a good practice to split long forms into smaller, contextually similar chunks. This makes them a bit easier to handle. The Bootstrap Application Wizard does that for you and more.

Bootstrap Form Wizzard

5. Bootstrap Datetime Picker

Datepicker picker to field or to any other element.

Bootstarp Date Time picker

6. Colorpicker for Bootstrap

An easy-to-use jQuery color picker for Twitter Bootstrap

Bootstap Color Picker

7. Bootstrap Tour

Bootstro.js help you to show your users a guided tour of what is what on a page. Especially, for first-time users. Alternative for bootstro.js is Bootstrap Tour

Bootstro Guide

8. Bootstrap Tag Autocomplete

This is a bootstrap plugin to autocomplete tags for contenteditable div elements. It works in the same way tagging people on Facebook, Twitter or Sandglaz works.

Boostrap tag autocomplete

9. Bootstarp Calendar

A Full view calendar based on Twitter Bootstrap

Bootsatrp Full View Calendar

10. Bootstarp WysiWig Eidtor

bootstrap-wysihtml5 is a javascript plugin that makes it easy to create simple, beautiful wysiwyg editors with the help of wysihtml5 and Twitter Bootstrap.

bootstarp wyswig

11. Font Awesome

Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS.

Font Awesome

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Magento vs WordPress

Which platform is best for an eCommerce store

Setting up an online store has almost become invincible as most businesses as well as individuals are concentrating on selling products and services online. If you are one such individual or business wanting to make an ecommerce store, the principal component you should be aware of is the platform that you plan to raise the ecommerce site. With so many eCommerce platforms available, it is hard to figure out which one is right for you. Many platforms offer different functionality which is necessary for some eCommerce stores, while simple functionality may be your piece of pie.

wordpress vs magento

WordPress is a powerful free platform to build your online store. It is an extremely popular platform, if not the most popular, and with shopping cart plugins like (WooCommerce and GetShopped) is powerfull ecommerce solution:

  • WooCommerce (free) is one of the most popular ecommerce plugins ever since its introduction, it has quickly gained popularity and community support. It is based off of Jigoshop(which is definitely worth checking out also). WooCommerce is free, and it’s backed by plenty of premium extensions and themes.
  • GetShopped (free) is one of the earliest shopping cart plugins for WordPress. It used to be a little shaky, but its more recent versions have seen tremendous improvements. While official support for the plugin is lacking, its community is huge

Magento is the eCommerce software platform for growth that promises to revolutionize the industry.


Magento vs WordPress – which platform is best?

There is never a perfect solution for any problem, but understanding the background of the two platforms may help make the decision.
Each platform has its strengths. On the surface, the two platforms may seem similar. They both are highly customizable, SEO friendly, can be extensively themed, and feature a strong online support community.


Magento and WordPress Similarities

  • They are both Open Source platforms – they are both free
  • Ability to integrate blogging into their functionality
  • Ability to easily add products
  • Ability to use themes to design and personalize the look of your website


Use Magento if:

  • You want complete control over every aspect of your business and inventory
  • You have a large or growing product catalogue and you expect significant expansion and growth of your store
  • Your website is primarily an online store, without much other content or features.
  • You would like the option of branching into multiple stores
  • You want to integrate your online store with your accounting system for synchronisation of customer data, orders and inventory
  • You have more advanced order fulfillment processes such as drop-shipping through multiple warehouses
  • You have need for wholesale or secure login order placement
  • You have multiple customer levels, each requiring different pricing or discounts
  • Your product pricing varies depending on quantity ordered
  • You want to synchronise products between your online and Ebay stores
  • You want a greater range of add-on plugins / extensions to enhance the functionality of your store. (Whilst WordPress is known for wide range of plugins, most are not ecommerce based)


Use WordPress if:

  • Your budget is limited.
  • You only want to sell a small range of products and don’t have any specific requirements in regards to order fulfillment
  • You already use WordPress and want a store added to it without having to start from scratch
  • Your store is only a small part of your website.


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